EDHEC Executive MBA

Lead the transformation you, your career and the business world need

TOP 30
Executive MBA worldwide

Financial Times 2023

Worldwide for ESG

Financial Times 2023

Worldwide for participant satisfaction

Financial Times 2023

• Part-time
• In English
• Lille or Paris
• 16 or 19 months
• Electives
• Consulting project/ business plan
• Master in Business Administration
• RNCP Niv 7/ Bac +5
• CPF eligible
Upcoming intakes
• October
• March (Paris)
Candidate profile
• Bac +3/4
• 5+ years' professional
• Fluent English

Programme Objectives


The EDHEC EMBA in France is a 16 to 19 month part-time programme designed to equip you with the insights, knowledge, and personal resolve to lead the transformation your career and your business need.

The Executive MBA will teach you to: 

  • Consolidate and extend your executive-level skills and knowledge, enabling you to refine your strategic, financial, and business leadership competencies. Personalise the programme to match your objectives and personal situation.
  • Challenge your perspectives, develop new ways of thinking, and approach complex issues by building an international network of experienced professionals who enrich the personal and collective experience.
  • A unique opportunity to reflect, review and refine your approach to leadership and your career. Develop your capacity to lead with confidence and authenticity and receive the support and inspiration you need to achieve your objectives.

Benefits of the EMBA

EDHEC’s entrepreneurial DNA shapes the EMBA programme from the high relevance and quality of its electives, to the business experience of its professors. You’ll be applying theory to practise from day one.

Plus, the hard and soft skills you hone during the programme are immediately relevant to developing your career with your company, in a new environment, or launching your own business.

By pursuing an Executive in MBA in France with EDHEC Business School, you will be able to: 


  • Develop a strategic mind-set and global vision to enable you to drive transformation, solve complex problems and drive innovative sustainable business solutions
  • Reset, refine and refresh your perspectives and gain new insights and inputs as part of a diverse, experienced and dynamic international cohort and network
  • Align the programme to match your own, business and career ambitions with a choice of electives and our unique Transform360 personal & leadership development support
  • Develop an authentic, confident leadership style and posture which matches your values, ethics and principles
  • Make an impact from day one with a carefully balanced programme designed specifically to meet the needs of senior executives and experienced professionals


Discover what job opportunities you can access after the Executive MBA

Develop & support your most talented people, equipping them with the leadership skills and the vision needed to drive positive transformation, navigate the challenges in your business and create sustainable value for your organisation.

Key benefits to your organisation:

  •  Develop leaders who will be able to lead and anticipate change from both a business and technology stand point, understand complexity and see the bigger picture in the ever-changing global landscape
  • Because the Executive MBA is part-time and a balanced combination of theoretical and action-learning, your organisation will see an immediate impact from day one
  • Applied learning throughout the programme
  • The individual consulting project will be directly related to your organisation and present a solution to a current, real-life issue or opportunity, creating a clear and tangible return on investment
  • Shared learning, insights and perspectives across your business: as the participants learns and grows, so will your business and teams

Benefits for you

EDHEC’s entrepreneurial DNA shapes the EMBA programme from the high relevance and quality of its electives, to the business experience of its professors. You’ll be applying theory to practise from day one.

Plus, the hard and soft skills you hone during the programme are immediately relevant to developing your career with your company, in a new environment, or launching your own business.

By pursuing an Executive in MBA in France with EDHEC Business School, you will be able to: 


  • Develop a strategic mind-set and global vision to enable you to drive transformation, solve complex problems and drive innovative sustainable business solutions
  • Reset, refine and refresh your perspectives and gain new insights and inputs as part of a diverse, experienced and dynamic international cohort and network
  • Align the programme to match your own, business and career ambitions with a choice of electives and our unique Transform360 personal & leadership development support
  • Develop an authentic, confident leadership style and posture which matches your values, ethics and principles
  • Make an impact from day one with a carefully balanced programme designed specifically to meet the needs of senior executives and experienced professionals


Discover what job opportunities you can access after the Executive MBA

Benefits for your business

Develop & support your most talented people, equipping them with the leadership skills and the vision needed to drive positive transformation, navigate the challenges in your business and create sustainable value for your organisation.

Key benefits to your organisation:

  •  Develop leaders who will be able to lead and anticipate change from both a business and technology stand point, understand complexity and see the bigger picture in the ever-changing global landscape
  • Because the Executive MBA is part-time and a balanced combination of theoretical and action-learning, your organisation will see an immediate impact from day one
  • Applied learning throughout the programme
  • The individual consulting project will be directly related to your organisation and present a solution to a current, real-life issue or opportunity, creating a clear and tangible return on investment
  • Shared learning, insights and perspectives across your business: as the participants learns and grows, so will your business and teams

3 Reasons to Choose the EDHEC Executive MBA


Impactful experiential learning

A combination of academic excellence from one of Europe’s top Business Schools combined with reality-based problem solving, global business trips, and action-learning allowing you to make an impact from day one

A Career Move That Counts

A tailored journey for professional development and career transformation. Focus on your career ambitions, learn to make critical decisions, be comfortable thinking outside the box, and develop your ability to lead change with confidence

Global Vision, Personal Focus

Be part of an enriching and collective cohort experience that gives you access to an international and diverse professional network, alternative perspectives, and lifelong learning, inspiration, and support.

The constantly evolving business world brings us face to face with new challenges and frequent opportunities. We aim to guide you through your personal and professional development as you refine and enhance the skills, vision, and conviction necessary to lead the transformation your business and career require.

Véronique Carresse, Programme director of the Executive MBA, EDHEC

Véronique Carresse

Programme director of the Executive MBA, EDHEC

Gain a global vision with a personal focus 


Leadership takes courage and conviction – the EMBA will help prepare you to navigate the responsibilities of building a better world for future generations.

To lead transformation, you must be confident in your ability to make critical decisions, think outside the box, and assert your leadership style ethically, respectfully, and responsibly

The Executive MBA will enable you to build and enhance your business vision and develop new perspectives while providing you with personalised support, a diverse and international network, and the tools to focus on your leadership skills and professional development

In short, it is a unique, enriching, and invaluable journey tailored to help you define your future and achieve your objectives.

Consolidate and enhance your strategic and business management expertise


Being a senior manager, decision-maker or entrepreneur requires cross-functional perspectives, strategic vision, agility, and a global 360 business view. As change in the business world continues to accelerate, the EMBA will equip you with a deeper understanding of the key elements essential to adaptation, business leadership, and decision-making. From strategy through to corporate finance and marketing management, learning about business fundamentals will enable you to see the bigger picture and enhance your decision-making competencies.


  • Strategic Analysis
  • Strategic Management
  • Business & Society
  • Business Models for Sustainability
  • Leadership & Management
  • Organisational Behavior
  • Human Resources 
  • Financial Accounting
  • Corporate Finance
  • Managerial Accounting & Controlling
  • Marketing Management
  • Sustainable Marketing Strategy Simulation
  • Operations Management & Supply Chain
  • Legal International Business
  • Business Ethics & Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Broaden your perspectives with a truly global programme


To help you gain a better understanding of the challenges raised by globalisation and how to deal with them, the Executive MBA programme at EDHEC includes:

  • 2 global business trips plus 
  • a 2-day seminar in Brussels focused on doing business in Europe.

The global business trips help you explore how economic and political models work in different markets, cultures, and environments. You acquire a better understanding of the mechanics of competition and identify key business success factors. The international business trips also help you view things from a different angle, develop strategic sensitivity and acquire new managerial reflexes in project and people management.
Global business trips are a compulsory part of the programme for both the EMBA and EMBA with specialisation in Healthcare Innovation & Technology participants.


The Global Business Report


At the end of each business trip, while working in teams with fellow participants, you will produce a Global Business Report that focuses on an industry or company of your choice.  

The Global Business Report aims to help you:

  • Anticipate the trends emanating from new market economies and identify alternative management models.
  • Develop the ability to think strategically by adopting a cross-sector approach and synthetic thinking. You will examine competitive trends in an environment with little information by learning to decipher weak signals and rumours, and enhance strategic sensitivity by making intuition an important factor in decision making.

Personalise your programme to match your goals


Six months of your Executive MBA are dedicated to electives. You can tailor your programme to gain new perspectives and delve deeper into specific areas of interest regarding global business, managing innovation, and strategic operations.


If you chose the EMBA with a specialisation in Healthcare Innovation & Technology, you will follow a dedicated track that covers four modules.


You can choose up to 7 different electives. Elective examples include:

  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • AI and Digital Ethics & Sustainability
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Managing Digital Transformation
  • Strategic Foresight: 
    Methods and Tools
  • New Business Design 
    and Innovation
  • Positive Leadership Habits

  • Sales and Business Management
  • Criminal Risks Management
  • Luxury Brand Management
  • Financial Markets Organisation
  • Managing Difficult Negociations
  • Top priorities of inhouse counsel 
    (in French)


New for 2024/25: EMBA Expert option


Choose up to 7 electives and take the Healthcare Innovation & Technology track to create a 24-month programme. March intake only. Please contact us for more details. 

Your personalised Leadership & Professional Development Programme


Transform360 runs throughout your 16-month experience and will help you to develop your self-management, strategic, functional and relational abilities. 


Both a highly personalised and collective journey, it is designed to help you question, challenge and explore every aspect of your personal, career and leadership development to allow you to harness your full potential in your career, in your business and as a leader. 


4 key components which are inter-linked and designed to help you develop and strengthen your leadership skills, competencies and perspectives:

  1. Leadership & Personal Development: Your 360° coaching journey
  2. Essentials for Inspiring Leaders
  3. Leadership Workshops: Customise your learning
  4. Foundations for the Future: Career & professional development support



Leadership & Personal Development


The leadership & personal development module is designed to give you the space, time and support to reflect, refine and enhance your leadership capabilities. Based on a combination of 360 assessments, continuous feedback and follow-up and intensive individual coaching sessions

  • 360° Assessment and group coaching
  • Individual leadership coaching
  • Individual career coaching
  • Follow-up 360° assessment and group
  • Mentorship programme



Essentials for Inspiring Leaders


  • A series of modules covering 5 core leadership skillsets which blend individual, collective and interactive methods
  • Designed to strengthen and enhance your core leadership skills and mind-set so that you will be prepared to lead with confidence, conviction and agility, even in the toughest situations


    • Practical resilience
    • Connecting & building relationships
    • Practical skills for networking
    • Practical resilience
    • Connecting & building relationships
    • Practical skills for networking
    • Building effective teams
    • Teamwork review
    • Leadership mindset
    • Paradoxes in leadership
    • Leadership coaching
    • Awareness of Fault Lines and Biases
    • Acting inclusively


    Leadership Workshop to Customise Your Journey


    The EDHEC EMBA experience is focussed on helping you to build the necessary vision, skills and abilities you need to deliver a profound personal and professional transformation
    The Transform360 elective workshops enable you to tailor your leadership and professional learning journey to align with your strengths and needs so that you can develop into an authentic, agile and accomplished leader that you want to be
    Workshop options can include:

    • Becoming a strong negotiator
    • Managing power and influence
    • Managing change
    • Boosting your leadership confidence
    • Building resilience for stressful and demanding environments
    • Collaborating, leading, and motivating remotely


    Foundations for the Future

    The Foundations for the Future component is designed to help build, strengthen and expand your professional network, develop your personal branding and provide inspiration & insights from senior leaders and experts into the latest business & leadership trends from inside & outside of your industry

    It is designed to be tailored and flexible according to your professional situation & goals and includes:

    • Professional Pitch workshops
    • Open Minds Conference Series
    • Senior Speakers Series
    • Alumni network events
    • Career & Professional coaching

    Leverage your experience, demonstrate your strategic vision


    As leaders or future leaders, you will need to create value for your organisation and your career. To do this, you must be able to identify, develop and propose both visionary and implementable strategic solutions to critical business issues.

    The final part of your Executive MBA journey is the Consulting Project, which is your opportunity to apply your new knowledge and experiences to a tangible, real-life proposal. 


    The Consulting Project is:

    • Designed to demonstrate your strategic ability to frame a problem or opportunity that is linked to your organisation, industry, or relevant business issue. 
    • An opportunity for you to demonstrate your value and leadership talent to your company or develop a business plan to launch your own entrepreneurial project.
    • The ultimate proof of your ability to defend a concept or idea, develop a realistic and actionable solution, and apply relevant strategic frameworks which will add value, help support the sustainable growth of your business or demonstrate your capacity to lead innovation and transformation.


    "The Consulting Project has had a considerable impact on me career-wise. I worked on a topic that was strategic for my company. It enabled me to go further than the responsibilities I had at the time. It turned out to be a very valuable win-win situation for me and the company I work for, as I was able to demonstrate my capacity to conceptualise and build a strategy and start a new phase in my professional evolution."


    SONIA BOTTA, EDHEC Executive MBA alumna 2017, Vice President, Citrus at Firmenich, Nice


    Consolidate and enhance your strategic and business management expertise


    Being a senior manager, decision-maker or entrepreneur requires cross-functional perspectives, strategic vision, agility, and a global 360 business view. As change in the business world continues to accelerate, the EMBA will equip you with a deeper understanding of the key elements essential to adaptation, business leadership, and decision-making. From strategy through to corporate finance and marketing management, learning about business fundamentals will enable you to see the bigger picture and enhance your decision-making competencies.


    • Strategic Analysis
    • Strategic Management
    • Business & Society
    • Business Models for Sustainability
    • Leadership & Management
    • Organisational Behavior
    • Human Resources 
    • Financial Accounting
    • Corporate Finance
    • Managerial Accounting & Controlling
    • Marketing Management
    • Sustainable Marketing Strategy Simulation
    • Operations Management & Supply Chain
    • Legal International Business
    • Business Ethics & Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

    Expand Your Horizons

    Broaden your perspectives with a truly global programme


    To help you gain a better understanding of the challenges raised by globalisation and how to deal with them, the Executive MBA programme at EDHEC includes:

    • 2 global business trips plus 
    • a 2-day seminar in Brussels focused on doing business in Europe.

    The global business trips help you explore how economic and political models work in different markets, cultures, and environments. You acquire a better understanding of the mechanics of competition and identify key business success factors. The international business trips also help you view things from a different angle, develop strategic sensitivity and acquire new managerial reflexes in project and people management.
    Global business trips are a compulsory part of the programme for both the EMBA and EMBA with specialisation in Healthcare Innovation & Technology participants.


    The Global Business Report


    At the end of each business trip, while working in teams with fellow participants, you will produce a Global Business Report that focuses on an industry or company of your choice.  

    The Global Business Report aims to help you:

    • Anticipate the trends emanating from new market economies and identify alternative management models.
    • Develop the ability to think strategically by adopting a cross-sector approach and synthetic thinking. You will examine competitive trends in an environment with little information by learning to decipher weak signals and rumours, and enhance strategic sensitivity by making intuition an important factor in decision making.

    Personalise Your Programme

    Personalise your programme to match your goals


    Six months of your Executive MBA are dedicated to electives. You can tailor your programme to gain new perspectives and delve deeper into specific areas of interest regarding global business, managing innovation, and strategic operations.


    If you chose the EMBA with a specialisation in Healthcare Innovation & Technology, you will follow a dedicated track that covers four modules.


    You can choose up to 7 different electives. Elective examples include:

    • Entrepreneurship & Innovation
    • AI and Digital Ethics & Sustainability
    • Digital Marketing Strategy
    • Managing Digital Transformation
    • Strategic Foresight: 
      Methods and Tools
    • New Business Design 
      and Innovation
    • Positive Leadership Habits

    • Sales and Business Management
    • Criminal Risks Management
    • Luxury Brand Management
    • Financial Markets Organisation
    • Managing Difficult Negociations
    • Top priorities of inhouse counsel 
      (in French)


    New for 2024/25: EMBA Expert option


    Choose up to 7 electives and take the Healthcare Innovation & Technology track to create a 24-month programme. March intake only. Please contact us for more details. 

    Leadership & Professional Development Programme

    Your personalised Leadership & Professional Development Programme


    Transform360 runs throughout your 16-month experience and will help you to develop your self-management, strategic, functional and relational abilities. 


    Both a highly personalised and collective journey, it is designed to help you question, challenge and explore every aspect of your personal, career and leadership development to allow you to harness your full potential in your career, in your business and as a leader. 


    4 key components which are inter-linked and designed to help you develop and strengthen your leadership skills, competencies and perspectives:

    1. Leadership & Personal Development: Your 360° coaching journey
    2. Essentials for Inspiring Leaders
    3. Leadership Workshops: Customise your learning
    4. Foundations for the Future: Career & professional development support



    Leadership & Personal Development


    The leadership & personal development module is designed to give you the space, time and support to reflect, refine and enhance your leadership capabilities. Based on a combination of 360 assessments, continuous feedback and follow-up and intensive individual coaching sessions

    • 360° Assessment and group coaching
    • Individual leadership coaching
    • Individual career coaching
    • Follow-up 360° assessment and group
    • Mentorship programme



    Essentials for Inspiring Leaders


    • A series of modules covering 5 core leadership skillsets which blend individual, collective and interactive methods
    • Designed to strengthen and enhance your core leadership skills and mind-set so that you will be prepared to lead with confidence, conviction and agility, even in the toughest situations


      • Practical resilience
      • Connecting & building relationships
      • Practical skills for networking
      • Practical resilience
      • Connecting & building relationships
      • Practical skills for networking
      • Building effective teams
      • Teamwork review
      • Leadership mindset
      • Paradoxes in leadership
      • Leadership coaching
      • Awareness of Fault Lines and Biases
      • Acting inclusively


      Leadership Workshop to Customise Your Journey


      The EDHEC EMBA experience is focussed on helping you to build the necessary vision, skills and abilities you need to deliver a profound personal and professional transformation
      The Transform360 elective workshops enable you to tailor your leadership and professional learning journey to align with your strengths and needs so that you can develop into an authentic, agile and accomplished leader that you want to be
      Workshop options can include:

      • Becoming a strong negotiator
      • Managing power and influence
      • Managing change
      • Boosting your leadership confidence
      • Building resilience for stressful and demanding environments
      • Collaborating, leading, and motivating remotely


      Foundations for the Future

      The Foundations for the Future component is designed to help build, strengthen and expand your professional network, develop your personal branding and provide inspiration & insights from senior leaders and experts into the latest business & leadership trends from inside & outside of your industry

      It is designed to be tailored and flexible according to your professional situation & goals and includes:

      • Professional Pitch workshops
      • Open Minds Conference Series
      • Senior Speakers Series
      • Alumni network events
      • Career & Professional coaching

      Consulting Project

      Leverage your experience, demonstrate your strategic vision


      As leaders or future leaders, you will need to create value for your organisation and your career. To do this, you must be able to identify, develop and propose both visionary and implementable strategic solutions to critical business issues.

      The final part of your Executive MBA journey is the Consulting Project, which is your opportunity to apply your new knowledge and experiences to a tangible, real-life proposal. 


      The Consulting Project is:

      • Designed to demonstrate your strategic ability to frame a problem or opportunity that is linked to your organisation, industry, or relevant business issue. 
      • An opportunity for you to demonstrate your value and leadership talent to your company or develop a business plan to launch your own entrepreneurial project.
      • The ultimate proof of your ability to defend a concept or idea, develop a realistic and actionable solution, and apply relevant strategic frameworks which will add value, help support the sustainable growth of your business or demonstrate your capacity to lead innovation and transformation.


      "The Consulting Project has had a considerable impact on me career-wise. I worked on a topic that was strategic for my company. It enabled me to go further than the responsibilities I had at the time. It turned out to be a very valuable win-win situation for me and the company I work for, as I was able to demonstrate my capacity to conceptualise and build a strategy and start a new phase in my professional evolution."


      SONIA BOTTA, EDHEC Executive MBA alumna 2017, Vice President, Citrus at Firmenich, Nice

      Learn more  


      Find out how the EDHEC Executive MBA can transform your life and career.


      Download the brochure

      An EMBA designed with balance in mind


      High performance and high potential often mean demanding schedules and a lack of precious time. This is why we have designed the Executive MBA programme carefully, providing you with an optimal balance of time, focus, and effectiveness. 


      With a part-time Executive MBA programme spanning 16 months, you can reach higher without sacrificing your work or family life. Choose between a weekend format in Lille or a weekday format (4 days) in Paris. Both offer the same inspiring content, business relevance, and a rich, diverse cohort allowing you to opt for the rhythm that suits you best.

      Weekend Format


      Twice a month (Friday - Saturday)
      Lille Campus

      Intake: October

      Duration: 16 months = 74 days / 19 months= 86 days

      4 days per month


      Once a month (Wednesday - Saturday)
      Paris Campus

      2 intake dates: March or October

      Duration: 16 months = 74 days / 19 months =  86 days

      Approach & Faculty

      Real-world relevance, immediate impact.


      The Executive MBA is designed for impact, results, and return on investment. As one of Europe’s top Business Schools, relevance and connection to the world of business are ingrained in our culture. Our approach encapsulates pushing boundaries, challenging participants to think in new ways, and creating leadership capable of transforming organisations for a better future.

      • Combining academic excellence with business-relevant experience and expertise, the programme is constructed to deliver concrete application of theory and strategy led by world-leading professors and business leaders.
      • An experiential, hands-on approach. During the EMBA, you will learn by doing and demonstrate your new skills through action-based learning including business simulations, case studies, business reports, and a consulting project.
      • A personalised and collaborative journey. Whilst we offer a highly personalised programme with electives and individual coaching and support, the EMBA at EDHEC is also a collaborative experience where you will develop new perspectives, insights, and viewpoints by being part of a highly diverse, international, and professional cohort.
      • An enriching, inspiring and refreshing environment designed to help you maximise your time and experience.

      The EDHEC Executive MBA programme is delivered by international academic experts and business professionals who share expertise that encourages you to think, act and deliver at the highest level. Amongst them are:


      Marie-Cécile Cervellon
      Position: Professor, Head of faculty - Marketing
      Discipline: Marketing
      Faculty: Marketing

      Marie-Cécile Cervellon, Ph.D, is Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School with a teaching expertise in brand management and luxury marketing (ref.

      Christophe Collard
      Position: Professor,

      Deputy Head of Law, LLM in Law & Tax Management Manager BLM Manager, EDHEC Augmented Law Institute Researcher

      Discipline: Law
      Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs

      After his postgraduate research degree in law, Professor Christophe Collard worked for the French government and began teaching at the Lille School of Law.

      Denis Dauchy
      Position: Professor,

      EMBA Programme Director, Leadership Development Chair Affiliate Researcher, Management in Innovative Health Chair Research Associate

      Discipline: Strategy
      Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

      Denis Dauchy, PhD, is Professor of Business Strategy and Director of EDHEC's Executive MBA, with professional experience in business and consultancy.

      Karin Kollenz-Quétard
      Position: Professor,

      Foresight, Innovation and Transformation Chair Member

      Discipline: Strategy
      Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

      Karin Kollenz-Quetard is a Professor of Strategy at EDHEC Business School, but also intervenes in customized programs at London Business School (UK), HEC (F) and Duke CE (EU).

      Bertrand Monnet
      Position: Senior Lecturer, Holder - Criminal Risks Management Chair
      Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations
      Joëlle Vanhamme
      Position: Professor,

      Academic Director EMBA

      Discipline: Marketing
      Faculty: Marketing

      Joëlle Vanhamme, Ph.D, is Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School.


      Real-world relevance, immediate impact.


      The Executive MBA is designed for impact, results, and return on investment. As one of Europe’s top Business Schools, relevance and connection to the world of business are ingrained in our culture. Our approach encapsulates pushing boundaries, challenging participants to think in new ways, and creating leadership capable of transforming organisations for a better future.

      • Combining academic excellence with business-relevant experience and expertise, the programme is constructed to deliver concrete application of theory and strategy led by world-leading professors and business leaders.
      • An experiential, hands-on approach. During the EMBA, you will learn by doing and demonstrate your new skills through action-based learning including business simulations, case studies, business reports, and a consulting project.
      • A personalised and collaborative journey. Whilst we offer a highly personalised programme with electives and individual coaching and support, the EMBA at EDHEC is also a collaborative experience where you will develop new perspectives, insights, and viewpoints by being part of a highly diverse, international, and professional cohort.
      • An enriching, inspiring and refreshing environment designed to help you maximise your time and experience.


      The EDHEC Executive MBA programme is delivered by international academic experts and business professionals who share expertise that encourages you to think, act and deliver at the highest level. Amongst them are:


      Marie-Cécile Cervellon
      Position: Professor, Head of faculty - Marketing
      Discipline: Marketing
      Faculty: Marketing

      Marie-Cécile Cervellon, Ph.D, is Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School with a teaching expertise in brand management and luxury marketing (ref.

      Christophe Collard
      Position: Professor,

      Deputy Head of Law, LLM in Law & Tax Management Manager BLM Manager, EDHEC Augmented Law Institute Researcher

      Discipline: Law
      Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs

      After his postgraduate research degree in law, Professor Christophe Collard worked for the French government and began teaching at the Lille School of Law.

      Denis Dauchy
      Position: Professor,

      EMBA Programme Director, Leadership Development Chair Affiliate Researcher, Management in Innovative Health Chair Research Associate

      Discipline: Strategy
      Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

      Denis Dauchy, PhD, is Professor of Business Strategy and Director of EDHEC's Executive MBA, with professional experience in business and consultancy.

      Karin Kollenz-Quétard
      Position: Professor,

      Foresight, Innovation and Transformation Chair Member

      Discipline: Strategy
      Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

      Karin Kollenz-Quetard is a Professor of Strategy at EDHEC Business School, but also intervenes in customized programs at London Business School (UK), HEC (F) and Duke CE (EU).

      Bertrand Monnet
      Position: Senior Lecturer, Holder - Criminal Risks Management Chair
      Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations
      Joëlle Vanhamme
      Position: Professor,

      Academic Director EMBA

      Discipline: Marketing
      Faculty: Marketing

      Joëlle Vanhamme, Ph.D, is Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School.

      Join an inspiring, diverse, and experienced cohort


      The Executive MBA is an enriching, human-centric experience. It is particularly rewarding and impactful due to the diversity and collective strength of the cohort members and the international alumni network, both of which you will join once you embark on the programme.


      Current Executive MBA class profile

      There is no typical profile or standard blueprint for a participant. This is because we carefully build each cohort based on individual merit, experience, and potential, balanced with our aim to ensure a diverse and inclusive class that provides a stimulating, challenging, and real-world environment.

      But here is a glimpse of what our current class looks like: 

      working outside their home country


      average work experience

      average age

      The EDHEC Executive MBA cohort: An inspiring group of experienced professionals.



      I have been able to make good use of all the skills acquired and developed during the Executive MBA, such as finance, strategy, entrepreneurship, etc., applying them to the creation of Natur’Elles Aventures. The EMBA allowed me to structure and build this project and gave me the opportunity to discuss it with other professionals (from my cohort), who offered me an outside perspective. This diploma has legitimised and given added value to my status as a business owner.

      Linda Benzid, Executive MBA alumna 2020, Founder, Natur'Elles Aventures

      Linda Benzid

      Executive MBA alumna 2020, Founder, Natur'Elles Aventures

      The EDHEC Executive MBA programme provided me with a solid foundation in leadership skills and team management and cohesion. It helped me develop a global approach to management and taught me how to make relevant and applicable decisions. Through the programme I discovered my leadership style and learned to appreciate how to take a step back in order to see the bigger picture and be more objective. Today, through my improved managerial practices, I strive to bring out the best in each individual on my team. I am also more aware of the need to continually learn, and to cultivate oneself.

      Michael JAINE, Executive MBA alumnus 2013, Deputy General Manager, SOFINCO, France

      Michael JAIN

      Executive MBA alumnus 2013, Deputy General Manager, SOFINCO, France

      Evaluate your profile 


      Is this EMBA right for you? Submit your profile to find out.


      Evaluate my profile

      Who is the EMBA designed for?


      The EMBA is ideal for senior managers, executives, and business unit leaders or for experienced professionals looking to develop an entrepreneurial project.

      If you have at least 5 years of experience and have an ambitious self-development plan to improve your leadership skills and strategic business management capabilities whilst you continue to work, then the Executive MBA could be an ideal choice for you.

      Participants come from all different sectors, industries, and countries. One of the biggest benefits of joining the programme is the diversity of the cohort and the wider international alumni network which comprises over 45,000 professionals.


      How can the EMBA develop your talented managers?


      If you would like to further develop your organisation’s talented managers, retain and motivate experienced senior executives and leaders, or you have a succession plan for the future, then the Executive MBA at EDHEC will be a value-added investment for your talent and business.  

      The EMBA is suited for high-potential managers, newly appointed senior executives, and business unit leaders as well as experienced talent looking to drive transformation in your organisation.

      Admissions & Finance

      We consider every application carefully and assess a wide range of factors including professional experience, your goals, potential, and cultural fit.

      We do, however, require the following:

      • A bachelor's degree or equivalent (3 years)
      • At least 5 years of professional experience
      • Proficiency in English

      If you would like to find out if you are a good fit for the Executive MBA, you can share your profile details here and the Programme & Careers Consultant will get in touch to assess your profile, understand your goals and explain more about the process.

      • Initial interview with the Recruitment Manager to discuss your experience and goals, and to assess whether the EMBA is the right fit for you.
      • Submit your application.
      • A face-to-face interview with the Programme Director.
      • Response of the admissions committee.

      We recommend that you begin the application process as soon as possible to allow you time to prepare your application, schedule the relevant interviews with alumni and the Programme Director (see Admissions Procedure), and also arrange any financial aid or support. 
      It is important to note that we look to limit the size of each intake to ensure that we offer an effectively-sized cohort and personalised experience, while also balancing the diversity and professional background of the group. Carefully tending to these factors ensures an enhanced learning experience for all cohort participants. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you start the application process at least 6 months before your preferred intake date.
      However, we will always do our best to assist last-minute applications as we understand that sometimes circumstances change and opportunities arise. Our dedicated Admissions team is on-hand to support you through the process.

      Total tuition fee

      €51,000 excluding VAT.

      This fee includes all tuition fees and accommodation costs for the 2 business trips but does not include the flight.

      Tuition fees are provided for information only and are subject to change.


      Scholarships & funding

      Discover our scholarships up to -30%.

      One of the greatest benefits of the EDHEC Executive MBA programme is the diversity of the cohort. Creating a new professional network that you can both learn and be supported and inspired by, makes the experience enriching and rewarding. This is why we have 4 generous scholarship options that help ensure gender equality, cultural diversity, and fairness. 


      To support and promote equality and gender diversity in our class and the boardroom.

      30% reduction off programme fees (excluding VAT).

      *Scholarships are not accumulated.


      Am I eligible for this scholarship ?

      To support and promote cultural diversity in our class, this scholarship is open to dual nationals and internationals currently working and residing in France.

      20% reduction  off programme fees (excluding VAT).

      *Scholarships are not accumulated.


      Am I eligible for this scholarship ?

      For applicants who live and work outside of France, this scholarship is designed to encourage and support participants who are looking to gain and share a truly global vision from one of the leading Business Schools in France and Europe.

      30% reduction off programme fees (excluding VAT).

      *Scholarships are not accumulated.


      Am I eligible for this scholarship ?

      For applicants who are personally financing the EMBA programme.
      15% reduction off programme fees (excluding VAT)

      *Scholarships are not accumulated.

      Am I eligible for this scholarship ?

      EDHEC is proud to be a Forté Foundation partner school as we are firmly committed to encouraging gender diversity from the classroom to the boardroom. As part of our association with Forté, each year EDHEC offers several Forté Fellowship awards of between 10,000 - 20,000 euros to outstanding women candidates from diverse backgrounds who exemplify leadership and can demonstrate a commitment to advancing and empowering women in their community and in business.

      Forté Fellows gain much more than financial support : Fellows will have access to a unique range of resources and a dynamic network. Award recipients will also become ambassadors within their MBA cohort, inspiring and promoting gender diversity and working together with EDHEC & Forté to attract more talented women into education & MBA programmes.

      For more information on how to apply for the EDHEC MBA Forté Fellowship Awards, please contact: [email protected]





      Compte personnel de formation


      If you are employed by a French company, then you may be eligible for financial support through the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) (CPF code: 245001). It is a credit system financed by employer contributions.

      Financez votre Executive MBA avec votre Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF)


      The Master in Business Administration (MBA) degree is a Master's Degree approved by the French State “Diplôme pour cadres dirigeants et entrepreneurs", RNCP39121. It is a level Bac+5 Grade Master.




      We consider every application carefully and assess a wide range of factors including professional experience, your goals, potential, and cultural fit.

      We do, however, require the following:

      • A bachelor's degree or equivalent (3 years)
      • At least 5 years of professional experience
      • Proficiency in English

      If you would like to find out if you are a good fit for the Executive MBA, you can share your profile details here and the Programme & Careers Consultant will get in touch to assess your profile, understand your goals and explain more about the process.

      • Initial interview with the Recruitment Manager to discuss your experience and goals, and to assess whether the EMBA is the right fit for you.
      • Submit your application.
      • A face-to-face interview with the Programme Director.
      • Response of the admissions committee.

      We recommend that you begin the application process as soon as possible to allow you time to prepare your application, schedule the relevant interviews with alumni and the Programme Director (see Admissions Procedure), and also arrange any financial aid or support. 
      It is important to note that we look to limit the size of each intake to ensure that we offer an effectively-sized cohort and personalised experience, while also balancing the diversity and professional background of the group. Carefully tending to these factors ensures an enhanced learning experience for all cohort participants. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you start the application process at least 6 months before your preferred intake date.
      However, we will always do our best to assist last-minute applications as we understand that sometimes circumstances change and opportunities arise. Our dedicated Admissions team is on-hand to support you through the process.

      Tuition fees & funding

      Total tuition fee

      €51,000 excluding VAT.

      This fee includes all tuition fees and accommodation costs for the 2 business trips but does not include the flight.

      Tuition fees are provided for information only and are subject to change.


      Scholarships & funding

      Discover our scholarships up to -30%.

      One of the greatest benefits of the EDHEC Executive MBA programme is the diversity of the cohort. Creating a new professional network that you can both learn and be supported and inspired by, makes the experience enriching and rewarding. This is why we have 4 generous scholarship options that help ensure gender equality, cultural diversity, and fairness. 


      To support and promote equality and gender diversity in our class and the boardroom.

      30% reduction off programme fees (excluding VAT).

      *Scholarships are not accumulated.


      Am I eligible for this scholarship ?

      To support and promote cultural diversity in our class, this scholarship is open to dual nationals and internationals currently working and residing in France.

      20% reduction  off programme fees (excluding VAT).

      *Scholarships are not accumulated.


      Am I eligible for this scholarship ?

      For applicants who live and work outside of France, this scholarship is designed to encourage and support participants who are looking to gain and share a truly global vision from one of the leading Business Schools in France and Europe.

      30% reduction off programme fees (excluding VAT).

      *Scholarships are not accumulated.


      Am I eligible for this scholarship ?

      For applicants who are personally financing the EMBA programme.
      15% reduction off programme fees (excluding VAT)

      *Scholarships are not accumulated.

      Am I eligible for this scholarship ?

      EDHEC is proud to be a Forté Foundation partner school as we are firmly committed to encouraging gender diversity from the classroom to the boardroom. As part of our association with Forté, each year EDHEC offers several Forté Fellowship awards of between 10,000 - 20,000 euros to outstanding women candidates from diverse backgrounds who exemplify leadership and can demonstrate a commitment to advancing and empowering women in their community and in business.

      Forté Fellows gain much more than financial support : Fellows will have access to a unique range of resources and a dynamic network. Award recipients will also become ambassadors within their MBA cohort, inspiring and promoting gender diversity and working together with EDHEC & Forté to attract more talented women into education & MBA programmes.

      For more information on how to apply for the EDHEC MBA Forté Fellowship Awards, please contact: [email protected]





      Compte personnel de formation


      If you are employed by a French company, then you may be eligible for financial support through the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) (CPF code: 245001). It is a credit system financed by employer contributions.

      Financez votre Executive MBA avec votre Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF)



      The Master in Business Administration (MBA) degree is a Master's Degree approved by the French State “Diplôme pour cadres dirigeants et entrepreneurs", RNCP39121. It is a level Bac+5 Grade Master.



      EDHEC Executive MBA - Global Business Trip in Mumbai

      EDHEC Business School
      EDHEC Executive MBA
      Global Business Trip in Mumbai
      Bringing you to the Frontline of the Global Economy




      EDHEC Executive MBA Business Trips

      Denis Dauchy
      EDHEC Executive MBA Director, Lille Campus
      Professor in Strategy

      The EDHEC Executive MBA Business trip has three benefits: openness, business pedagogy and networking. I mean by openness the ability not only to discover a new country, a new culture, but to develop a new way of thinking around business and to apply different approaches with the new business models.


      Sebastien Leichtnam
      EDHEC EMBA 2015

      India has fantastic potential. We have met fantastic leaders here who have fantastic strategies and have been successful here.

      Philippe Foulquier
      EDHEC Executive MBA Director, Paris Campus
      Professor in Finance

      Hands-on learning: Global Business Report

      This trip is organised like a research trip and a good opportunity for participants to put into practice what we deal with during the course. It’s a very nice trip.

      Kamakshi Misra Besnard
      EDHEC EMBA 2015

      This visit has been awesome and meeting the leaders of companies in India. This is just the time to be here.

      Julien Touraine
      EDHEC EMBA 2015

      It’s great. We get to be on the field to apply what we have learned at school. It’s just perfect.

      Company visits and discussions
      Discovering new business models

      Sylvain Biard
      Managing Director, Business France (Mumbai office)

      Business conferences

      At Business France, the national agency for the international development of the French economy, we are very proud to have been associated with EDHEC once again to organise this indian study tour for their executive MBAs. We hope that this will provide them with a better understanding of the Indian economy, its market, its business characteristics, and hopefully that some members of this delegation will be looking at developing further activities with India.

      Antje Fisseler
      EDHEC EMBA 2015

      The executive MBA and this trip to India are a great opportunity to broaden my horizon.

      EDHEC Executive MBA
      Email: [email protected]


      What can you do after your EMBA?


      An Executive MBA in France can significantly boost your career trajectory, offering access to elite roles across diverse sectors such as business, finance, high-tech, media, telecommunications, automotive, and tourism. This internationally recognized programme demonstrates to prospective employers your willingness to step out of your comfort zone, showcasing your adaptability to new environments and cultures. Upon graduation, you'll be well-equipped to embark on a professional journey either in your home country or internationally. ​​​

      The EMBA programme also provides you with essential entrepreneurship skills, empowering you to start and successfully manage your own business venture. ​​​​ 

      Here are some prestigious positions accessible through your Executive MBA: 


      • Global Sales Director: They spearhead inernational sales strategies, cultivate key partnerships, and drive revenue growth across diverse international markets, ensuring the attainment of sales objectives and market expansion.

      • Business developer: Their primary responsibility is to identify opportunities and deploy new growth levers for the company. 

      • Business unit manager: They manage all strategic aspects within a business unit to guarantee its profitability. 

      • Export director: They develop business trade with foreign countries.

      • International purchase manager: They oversee the acquisition of goods and services from international sources. They seek out optimal suppliers and negotiate prices to secure the necessary quantities for seamless operations within their company. 

      • Financial auditor: They study a company's financial operations and statements to ensure compliance. 

      • Trader: They analyse markets, the economy, and the stock market to make the best investment decisions.

      • Financial controller: They maintain a comprehensive oversight of the organisation's financial activities, ensuring adherence to legal standards and operational efficiency, and they work proactively to identify and address compliance issues throughout the company. 

      • Wealth manager: They provide clients with advice on growing their wealth through financial operations and strategic investments. 

      ​​​​​The Director of Marketing and Communications oversees the development and execution of strategic marketing plans, manages brand messaging, and leads communication efforts to drive business growth and enhance organisational visibility. 

      Executive MBA FAQ

      An Executive EMBA (EMBA) is a part-time executive management programme that focuses amongst other things, on leadership development, managerial and executive upskilling, business transformation, and development of new perspectives through cohort dynamics. The EMBA core modules at EDHEC Executive Education, encompass experiential learning and address all the disciplines that underpin corporate management to give you the tools you need to master the key aspects of strategic and business management. Unlike an MBA, Executive MBA programmes are part-time 16-month degrees courses during which participants can continue to work. Participants are required to have at least 7 or 8 years of professional experience prior to applying. EDHEC, one of the top Business Schools in Europe and highly ranked worldwide, also offers an Executive MBA with a specialisation in Healthcare Innovation & Technology (HIT).

      In short, yes. Executive MBA (EMBA) executive education courses are well worth your time and investment, especially when they are in line with your personal and professional aspirations, and attended at top-ranking Business Schools. 


      The Executive MBA experience is a unique and personalised journey designed for experienced professionals, decision-makers, and entrepreneurs seeking personal and professional transformation. The EMBA will empower you to work on yourself and help your career ambitions materialise while gaining new perspectives and insights and building and consolidating a solid understanding of the key business-management aspects and strategic decision-making processes relevant on a local and global level. The triple-accredited Executive MBA programme at EDHEC Business School (ranked #8 for custom programmes by the Financial Times in 2020), has been ranked #2 in France by The Economist, 2020.


      When contemplating how worth it an EMBA executive management programme will be for you, it is also worth considering the actual value of an EMBA, taking into consideration factors such as the Return on Investment (ROI), personal development, and upskilling as a result of an EMBA, the costs entailed (and available scholarships or financial aid), and the benefits of joining an international cohort and alumni network.

      No, a GMAT is not required for an Executive MBA. At EDHEC Business School, we assess your application file holistically. We consider every applicant carefully and assess a wide range of factors that include professional experience, personal aspirations, potential, and cultural fit. We do, however, require the following: A bachelor's degree or equivalent, at least 8 years of professional experience, and proficiency in English.

      If you would like to find out if you are a good fit for the EDHEC Executive MBA, you can share your profile details here and the Programme & Careers Consultant will get in touch to assess your profile, better understand your goals, and help you with the process. 

      An EMBA enhances your global business profile, essential for leadership roles in multinational corporations or for careers that span international borders. With the right mindset and a degree from a world-class institution, you can navigate the complexities of global business. 

      Choosing EDHEC for your Executive MBA is strategic, given its reputation for excellence and its locations in France. While EDHEC has multiple campuses, each offers unique networking opportunities and access to major corporations, particularly in​​ cosmopolitan centres like Paris and Lille, placing you at the heart of European business activity. 

      Learn more


      More information on programmes, financing options, and more...


      Download the brochure

      Your Contacts



      You are a candidate


      Recruitment Manager EDHEC Executive Education – EMBA
      +33 6 31 91 29 73

      Are you a looking to develop talent in your company?


      Development Manager - EDHEC Executive Education - EMBA
      +33 (0)6 13 30 87 70



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